Introducing Annotations

As you progress in your business, it’s becoming more and more difficult to keep track of the small or big events that happened, things like:

  • The first launch of iOS app
  • A big release with an awesome feature
  • Your business getting featured on the media
  • Running a big marketing campaign

That’s why today, we’re excited to share a new awesome feature: Annotations! Annotations help you keep track of what has happened on a timeline, or directly on your chart.

Watch a short demo video of the feature below:

Annotations home Managing Annotations

You can now understand and correlate spike or dip in your data with actual activities happening to your business operations. You can easily add/edit annotations to track important events that happen to your business, and overlay them over your visualization.

Try It Out

This feature is enabled by defaults to all existing customers. To get started, simply go to Annotations to add your first note, then open your chart and you should see your annotations right there!

Or learn more in our documentation. Happy annotating!

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