
Holistics Blog

A Blog About Business Intelligence, Data Engineering, and Holistics product updates

Holistics Data Journeys 1 - How Is Data Applied In Governments, Non-profits vs. Private Organizations

Webinar 1

Thanks for joining our recent inaugural session of our Holistics Data Journey webinar series, on “How Is Data Applied In Governments, Non-profits vs. Private Organizations”! We’ve made our first session available online, thank you to our excellent audience that posed deep and probing questions on the topic.

In this first online-sharing event, our speaker Satya Nugraha, a data scientist whose experience spans from non-government organizations (NGOs), public sector to private sector, shared about...

Know your Key Metrics

In his early days of investing, Warren Buffett drove to the airport at Omaha to pick up David Strassler, a New York based businessman whose family bought and fixed distressed companies. After picking up Mr. Strassler, during the ride, Mr. Buffett started asking him questions about a company in which the Strassler family controlled a majority interest - Billings & Spencer, of Hartford, CT, more than 2000 Kms physically away from Mr. Buffett. The company made forgings and metal shears, and only...

Embed Analytics Dashboards Into Your Applications

As startups and tech-enabled companies, often times we are sitting upon invaluable data for making decisions, be it for conversion, retention or business growth. This becomes especially important when working with customers and partners, who are now expecting more in terms of information, insights and access to data.[1]

Sharing data with customers can be a tricky business, especially in terms of security. How do you ensure a customer does not gain access to another customer’s data? How do you...

Holistics graduates from YC Startup School!

Y-Combinator Startup School

About Y-Combinator Startup School

Y-Combinator (YC) has always been recognized as one of the top accelerators/incubator for promising startups to apply for. They recently launched the first session of Startup School, which provides thousands of startup founders to learn from the experience of the YC alumni without the paperwork overheads of equity and incorporating a foreign entity.

YC Startup School Highlights:

The key highlights of Startup School as below:

  1. Mattermost, a Slack-like...

Calculate Cohort Retention Analysis with SQL

Cohort Retention Analysis is a powerful thing that most business owners need to look at.

Retention: If first-time user A goes to the store on Week 1, and returns to the store the next week, he is a returned user. If user B also goes to the store on Week 1 and does not return the next week, he’s a bounced user, that basically means you lose him as a user (despite all the marketing money you spent to lure him to your store).

Cohort Analysis is a technique to see how variables change in different...

Creating A Culture Of Metrics With Metric Sheets

It’s just been slightly over a week since our last release, and already we’ve launched the next one! In Holistics release (v1.30), we gave you Metric Sheets, which we believe to be a strong differentiating feature for our customers that showcases our strengths in handling tabular data. A big note of thanks to our fans and customers who’ve been telling us how much they value our product, this recent change was a huge one in terms of code for the product engineering team, and it’s feedback like...

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Holistics Data Reporting provides a web interface for your existing SQL database to build and access reports

Holistics Data Preparation helps provide you an effortless approach to set up your reporting database.